Silver Bullets

Teya Pentland

Nothing Gold

12″x12″ each
Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas

When Rain Comes

48″x36″ each
Acrylic on canvas

Teya Pentland | she/her | MB

Teya Pentland is an aspiring artist studying Visual Arts and Business at the University of Victoria. While currently residing in Victoria, she spent her childhood years in different parts of Manitoba. Her passion grew when moving to the West Coast and basking in the beautiful landscapes and biota. She honed her style within the realm of abstraction, specifically taking inspiration from Colour Field and Hard-edge paintings and ICM photography. Primarily working in acrylic painting, she has also experimented in drawing, photography, and sculpture. Her works use themes of nature, landscape, and body and while breaking them down to be displayed in simple abstract forms. The fleeting moments of beauty in nature and the emotions that arise from them continue to fuel her creativity. She relates those moments to life’s constant change and development and uses them to look deeper into why or how we perceive things the way we do.